Power Automate and Planner
Power Automate and Planner
Power Automate

How to use Power Automate with Planner

Hi everyone and welcome to this post about how to use Power Automate with Microsoft Planner.

Today we are going to learn about, what do you need to know to migrate tasks maeby from excel or a SQL data base or Sharepoint list to Planner.

Migrate tasks from excel to planner

So, to migrate tasks from a certain database we can use lots of options like Sharepoint, SQL server or Excel. To start we need to have the database for example an excel file creating first a table and insert de data on it, then we can read that table using Power Automate.

There are some updates avaible to update a task on planner.

Planner labels or tags

Labels are used to identify with a color some type of tasks on planner.

Checklist planner

Planner Checklist could help you to add sub tasks on a certain task, all the content could be added as details.

Here you can find more informatrion about the action, details and more: Planner Connector

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